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How to care for your luggage while traveling

No one likes dealing with damaged or lost luggage, but it’s an unfortunate reality of traveling. Whether your bags are packed with expensive items or sentimental items, you’ll want to take extra care of them while you’re on the road. Here are a few tips to help you keep your luggage safe and sound while you’re traveling.

Keep an eye on your bags:

This may seem like common sense, but it’s worth repeating. Whenever possible, keep an eye on your bags, especially when you’re in busy areas or near potential hazards like stairs or escalators. If you can’t keep an eye on your bags, consider using a luggage deposit tag or lock to help deter thieves.

Be careful with your bags:

This goes hand-in-hand with the previous tip. Be careful with your bags, and don’t put them in places where they could easily be damaged or stolen. For example, don’t leave them unattended in public places, and don’t put them on the ground in busy areas.

Protective covers:

If you’re worried about your bags getting damaged, consider using protective covers. These can help to keep your bags clean and dry, and can also help to prevent scratches and other damage.

Be mindful of weather conditions:

If you’re traveling to a place with inclement weather, take extra care of your bags. Protect them from the elements as much as possible, and be sure to dry them off if they get wet.

Pack wisely:

luggage deposit

When packing your bags, be sure to pack them wisely. Don’t over pack them, and be sure to pack them in a way that will minimize the risk of damage. For example, fragile items should be packed in a way that will prevent them from breaking.

Handle with care:

When you’re handling your bags, be sure to do so carefully. Avoid throwing or dropping them, and be careful not to put too much strain on the handles or straps.


When you’re not using your bags, be sure to store them properly. This will help to prevent damage and will also extend the life of your bags.