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Could An Online Cake Shop Work Like A Traditional Baker?

Online cake shops are a great idea. They eliminate the hassle of going to the shop, waiting in line and choking on buttercream frosting. Plus, online cake shops don’t need expensive storefronts. It would seem like an online cake shop would be more suited for heavy duty bakers who are skilled at making wedding cakes and lavish birthday cakes rather than people looking for a small bake sale dessert. Here are a few reasons why online best rated cake shop in singapore may be a better fit for you.


One of the most important things to consider when making a decision to become an online baker is visibility. Online shoppers are looking for what they want on their screens, and cake shops don’t have that. An online shop can bring people to your door with a single click.

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More Customization

One of the best things about buying online is the ability to customize everything you buy. You want a cupcake in a different shape? Have it your way! Are you allergic to nuts? No problem. You can bake a separate shelf just for allergic people, or simply leave the nuts out of your favorite recipe and make it available for everyone else.

Reach More People

With an online shop, anyone from anywhere can order from you, no matter how close or far away they are. If you have a storefront, all your clients must come to your home in order for your cakes to be shipped. Some people may not be interested in traveling far or being uncomfortable at your home, so this might not be their best choice.

Bakeshops are like cars

There is a reason that most car dealerships have storefronts and those without don’t; they are easier to manage and you can get more people in the door with a storefront. Bakeshops have their place, but they are not as convenient as an online shop